Cybrand AEC Ltd.
Head Office: 01244 567100
London: 0208 935 5590
Email: sales@cybrand.co.uk

Emissions Monitoring & Bespoke Reporting Services
Cybrand AEC Ltd delivers innovative services and products for ambient and exhaust emissions measurement (up to 5 gases & PM). We also provide support to a number of industrial partners and local authorities with field trials, data analysis, project management, product development, and much more.
Our vision is to improve environmental and occupational air quality, as well as process efficiency by helping companies meet technology requirements and overcome R&D challenges. Our experienced team has a proven track record of adapting to various applications.
Our PEMS emissions monitoring facility delivers innovative services and products for ambient and exhaust emissions measurement (range of gases & PM). This can be applied to all sectors of industry. We offer support to a growing number of industrial partners and local authorities with tailored testing packages for proof of concept, field trials, data analysis, project management, product development and much more.
Fuel Testing:
With many companies looking to switch from diesel to HVO or other Biofuels, we offer a fully integrated back-to-back emissions monitoring facility engineered to the specific machine / engine type, and most importantly its specific duty cycle. The benefits of Biofuels vary enormously and can only be summarised using an accurate test procedure, appropriate test cycles and high-quality measuring equipment.
Fuel testing can be carried out over short or long periods, with our portable PEMS equipment ideally suited to on-road, off-road and rail applications. Emissions data can be stored locally or transmitted directly to a desktop software that can view live data streaming. Once testing is complete, fully tailored reports can be created and geared to suit any audience.
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